National Criminal Background Check


PATRIA's National Criminal Background Check offers an unparalleled depth of investigation into individuals' backgrounds across the United States. Combining state-of-the-art technology with expert analysis, we provide a detailed report that includes identity verification, criminal records at national, state, and local levels, wants and warrants, watch list screenings, and new media/public relations discrepancies. Our service is designed to give our clients peace of mind and informed confidence in their decision-making processes.

Services Included:

  • Identity Verification: Confirming the subject's identity through government records and other official documents.

  • National, State, and Local Criminal Records: A thorough search of criminal databases to uncover any criminal history.

  • Wants and Warrants: Checking for any outstanding warrants or pending legal actions.

  • Watch List Screening: Screening against national and international watch lists to ensure no affiliations with known criminal organizations or activities.

  • New Media/Public Relations Discrepancies: Analyzing new media sources and public records to identify any discrepancies or potential reputation risks.

Why Choose PATRIA:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Our checks encompass all levels of criminal records, ensuring no detail is overlooked.

  • Expert Analysis: Our team of experts interprets the data to provide clear, actionable insights.

  • Confidential and Discreet: We uphold the highest standards of privacy and confidentiality throughout the process.

  • Fast Turnaround: We understand the urgency of these checks and strive to deliver reports in a timely manner.

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PATRIA's National Criminal Background Check offers an unparalleled depth of investigation into individuals' backgrounds across the United States. Combining state-of-the-art technology with expert analysis, we provide a detailed report that includes identity verification, criminal records at national, state, and local levels, wants and warrants, watch list screenings, and new media/public relations discrepancies. Our service is designed to give our clients peace of mind and informed confidence in their decision-making processes.

Services Included:

  • Identity Verification: Confirming the subject's identity through government records and other official documents.

  • National, State, and Local Criminal Records: A thorough search of criminal databases to uncover any criminal history.

  • Wants and Warrants: Checking for any outstanding warrants or pending legal actions.

  • Watch List Screening: Screening against national and international watch lists to ensure no affiliations with known criminal organizations or activities.

  • New Media/Public Relations Discrepancies: Analyzing new media sources and public records to identify any discrepancies or potential reputation risks.

Why Choose PATRIA:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Our checks encompass all levels of criminal records, ensuring no detail is overlooked.

  • Expert Analysis: Our team of experts interprets the data to provide clear, actionable insights.

  • Confidential and Discreet: We uphold the highest standards of privacy and confidentiality throughout the process.

  • Fast Turnaround: We understand the urgency of these checks and strive to deliver reports in a timely manner.

PATRIA's National Criminal Background Check offers an unparalleled depth of investigation into individuals' backgrounds across the United States. Combining state-of-the-art technology with expert analysis, we provide a detailed report that includes identity verification, criminal records at national, state, and local levels, wants and warrants, watch list screenings, and new media/public relations discrepancies. Our service is designed to give our clients peace of mind and informed confidence in their decision-making processes.

Services Included:

  • Identity Verification: Confirming the subject's identity through government records and other official documents.

  • National, State, and Local Criminal Records: A thorough search of criminal databases to uncover any criminal history.

  • Wants and Warrants: Checking for any outstanding warrants or pending legal actions.

  • Watch List Screening: Screening against national and international watch lists to ensure no affiliations with known criminal organizations or activities.

  • New Media/Public Relations Discrepancies: Analyzing new media sources and public records to identify any discrepancies or potential reputation risks.

Why Choose PATRIA:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Our checks encompass all levels of criminal records, ensuring no detail is overlooked.

  • Expert Analysis: Our team of experts interprets the data to provide clear, actionable insights.

  • Confidential and Discreet: We uphold the highest standards of privacy and confidentiality throughout the process.

  • Fast Turnaround: We understand the urgency of these checks and strive to deliver reports in a timely manner.