EquiJustice Discrimination Investigations

Ensuring Fairness and Justice in the Workplace

Types of Discrimination We Investigate

  • Race Discrimination

    Uncovering biases and unfair treatment based on race or ethnicity.

  • Gender Discrimination

    Addressing issues of unequal pay, promotions, and harassment.

  • Age Discrimination

    Protecting the rights of employees aged 40 and older from unfair treatment.

  • Disability Discrimination

    Ensuring reasonable accommodations and fair treatment for all abilities.

  • Religious Discrimination

    Safeguarding the right to practice and express religious beliefs freely.

  • National Origin Discrimination:

    Preventing bias based on nationality, accent, or cultural practices.

EEOC Investigation Success and Potential Payouts

EEOC Investigation Success and Potential Payouts

Success of EEOC Investigations

Understanding the success rates of EEOC investigations can help you gauge the likelihood of a favorable outcome:

  • Overall Success Rate: The EEOC achieved favorable outcomes in 94.8% of district court resolutions in fiscal year 2022, recovering nearly $40 million for claimants.
  • Merit Resolutions: In FY 2020, the merit resolution rate was 17.4%, an increase from 15.6% in the previous year.
  • Systemic Cases: The EEOC had a 100% success rate in resolving systemic cases in both fiscal years 2022 and 2023, addressing widespread discriminatory practices.

Potential Payouts by Discrimination Type

Here are the typical payouts for different types of discrimination cases based on recent settlements:

  • Race Discrimination: Settlements can range significantly, with notable cases settling for amounts like $1.2 million for racial harassment in a construction company.
  • National Origin Discrimination: Recent settlements include $1.1 million for discriminatory hiring practices at a meat processing company.
  • Age Discrimination: Significant settlements, such as $10 million, have been awarded in cases where companies laid off older workers.
  • Disability Discrimination: Large settlements include cases with payouts like $20 million for discriminatory physical ability tests.

Success of Lawsuits

Success rates and financial recoveries from lawsuits further illustrate the potential outcomes:

  • Litigation Success: The EEOC secured $106 million through litigation in FY 2020, highlighting the significant financial impact of resolved cases.
  • Pre-Litigation Resolutions: In FY 2020, the EEOC resolved 6,272 of 9,036 mediations, resulting in $156.6 million in benefits to charging parties.
  • Conciliation Success: The success rate for conciliation of systemic charges increased to 64% in FY 2020, up from 56% in FY 2019.

Case Examples and Settlements

Examples of notable settlements provide insights into potential financial outcomes:

  • $2.65 million: For 26 Hispanic employees subjected to national origin discrimination and harassment.
  • $1.25 million: For 8 African American employees facing racial harassment.
  • $690,000: For 40 female employees subjected to sexual harassment.
  • $350,000: For an employee of Afghani descent who faced discriminatory harassment and a hostile workplace environment.


EEOC investigations and litigations can lead to significant financial recoveries for victims of discrimination. Understanding the potential payouts and success rates can help you make informed decisions about pursuing your case.

Our Process

1. Initial Consultation and Case Assessment

We start with a thorough initial consultation to understand your specific situation and concerns. This step involves:

  • Confidential Discussion: We'll have a private and secure discussion to learn about your case, gather initial details, and understand your goals.
  • Case Evaluation: Our team will evaluate the provided information to assess the feasibility and scope of the investigation.
  • Customized Plan: We will outline a tailored investigation plan based on your unique needs and circumstances.

2. Retainer Agreement and Payment

Once the initial assessment is complete, we proceed with the formal agreement and payment process:

  • Clear Agreement: We provide a detailed retainer agreement outlining the scope of work, fees, and terms of service.
  • Upfront Payment: A flat fee of $2,500 is required to initiate the investigation. This fee covers all initial investigation activities and filing charges if necessary.
  • Flexible Options: We offer flexible payment plans to make our services accessible and manageable for you.

3. Detailed Investigation Plan

With the agreement in place, we develop a comprehensive and customized investigation plan:

  • Strategic Planning: Our team of experts collaborates to design a step-by-step investigation strategy tailored to your case.
  • Resource Allocation: We assign the necessary resources and tools to ensure a thorough and efficient investigation.

4. Evidence Collection and Analysis

Our investigation process is meticulous and thorough, ensuring no detail is overlooked:

  • Document Review: We collect and analyze all relevant documents, including employment records, emails, and company policies, to uncover critical evidence.
  • Witness Interviews: We conduct confidential interviews with key witnesses to gather firsthand accounts and corroborate details.
  • Digital Forensics: Using advanced forensic tools, we examine digital evidence from computers, phones, and other devices to uncover hidden information.
  • Surveillance and Observation: Where necessary, we utilize discreet surveillance techniques to gather additional evidence and context.

5. Analysis and Reporting

Once the evidence collection phase is complete, we proceed with a detailed analysis and compile our findings into a comprehensive report:

  • Data Synthesis: Our team synthesizes all collected evidence, cross-referencing information to identify patterns and discrepancies.
  • Expert Analysis: We provide expert analysis of the findings, highlighting key pieces of evidence and their implications.
  • Detailed Report: We prepare a clear and concise report, presenting the findings, analysis, and actionable recommendations. This report serves as a crucial tool for any subsequent legal action or internal resolutions.

6. Client Communication and Consultation

Throughout the investigation, we prioritize clear and consistent communication with our clients:

  • Regular Updates: We provide regular updates on the progress of the investigation, ensuring you are informed at every step.
  • Interim Reports: We share interim findings and consult with you to address any emerging questions or concerns.
  • Final Consultation: Upon completion of the investigation, we conduct a final consultation to review the report, discuss the findings, and outline the next steps.

7. Follow-Up and Support

Our commitment to you doesn’t end with the investigation:

  • Ongoing Support: We offer ongoing support to help you implement the recommendations and navigate any subsequent actions.
  • Expert Testimony: If needed, we provide expert testimony in legal proceedings to support your case with our findings.
  • Continuous Improvement: We seek feedback to continually improve our services and ensure the highest standards of client satisfaction.